
Party Rules


Decency, respect, courtesy, and cleanliness are expected of all participants.
"No!" means no. It does not mean "Ooh baby, yes!". Similarly "Ouch!" means pain, and "Stop!" means halt/end/terminate/cease/hold.
Don't be pushy. If your advances are not welcome, accept it! If you are not interested in someone's advances, be polite (See Rule One)
We strongly recommend you practice safe sex. You MUST follow whatever safe-sex requirements your partner(s) request. For most attendees, condoms are a must. Please respect the wishes of those you are with. Men, if you have problems maintaining an erection while wearing a condom, please don't worry about it. Your partner will understand and help you regain your readiness. Some ladies require their partners to wear a condom for oral sex too.
Cleanliness is an absolute. Take a shower right before you come to the party. Brush your teeth. Deodorant antiperspirant is strongly recommended, as things will get a little hot! Guys, shave in the early afternoon before the party. We have yet to meet a lady who likes a guy to go down on her with enough stubble on his chin to strip wallpaper.
Whatever happens at the party STAYS at the party. We have been meticulous in keeping your personal data private. When in the heat of the moment, or the loosening of inhibitions, participants may reveal personal information because they now TRUST you. Do NOT violate that trust by immediately posting in a news group that the LibertySwings group throw great sex parties! We are great believers in everyone having the right to do what they want behind closed doors, but that does not mean that the activity should be broadcast to the world. Notwithstanding the confidentiality that we adhere to, you may meet people that you want to see again.  Bring some slips of paper with a telephone number or email address or some way of contacting you.
Do NOT bring uninvited guests to the party.  Everyone who has been invited is known to us or has been previously referred by one of our members. We ask for a photo to help us in identifying you when you arrive. We have this data stored away for future reference. The number of participants has been balanced and the location selected for the number invited. We will turn away both your guest and yourself if you violate this rule - with police intervention if you do not get the hint. (Referrals are always welcome so let us know before hand if you know of someone interested.)
Do not use derogatory language. While it is acceptable to "talk dirty" at the party (fuck, cock, pussy, cum, ass, etc.) especially while engaged in sex, treat everyone with dignity and respect. It is not acceptable to call the women sluts, whores, bitches, hogs, pigs, cunts, or anything else demeaning.
You may bring your beverage of choice but remember, alcohol interferes with both a male's and female's performance. And we don't want to deal with obnoxious behavior that can be part of over indulgance, so if it becomes necessary, we'll ask you to leave. Drugs are not tolerated at all! Absolutely NONE! You will be asked to leave and will be banned from future parties. Smokers are welcome to do so outside.